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Certainly, you have read the Albin 25-Manual. So, you know Per Brohäll as the one who wrote it and the one who designed our motor cruiser for Albin Marin in Sweden, Here some more facts about him.


In an Australian newspaper from 1973 (The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 June 1973, p. 28) he is referred to as "Sweden's leading naval architect Captain Per Brohall". It is not easy to find information about Per Brohall (1917 - 1989) on the internet. There is a small article in the Swedish Wikipedia. What we found out, however, is that in the 1960s and 1970s Brohall (correct spelling is actually Brohäll, letter "ä" pronounced like the "a" in "hat") designed a couple of boats for Lars Larsson, owner of Larsson Trade AB (renamed in Albin Marin AB in 1971), some of them very successful, among them the Albin 25 (with aft cabin named A25AK, without the aft cabin named A25 Fisherman) and the quite similar Albin 21. There were also the sail boats Albin Viggen 23', then his probably best shot, the quite famous Albin Vega 27', and the Albin Singoalla 34'. Also the Albin 30 came from his drawing board.

AlbinVegaUndoubtedly, two of Brohall's boats broke the records in their classes: Over 2500 Albin 25 and about 3500 Albin Vega left the Albin Marin shipyard in Kristinehamn, Sweden. So, no wonder that they still have many fans all over the world. I even found a photo from an A25AK moored in Japan.

When you look at these boats you can easily identify Brohall's style. They make one boat family. It is said that Larsson actually was more in the marine motor business with the Albin motors. To increase the sales of Albin engines he had Brohall design the Albin 25, which was for years equipped with an Albin motor untill she finally came with a Volvo.

Below there is one of the rare Albin Singoalla (We found out that Singoalla is a female name. A Swedish movie from the 1940s was called something like "Singoalla, The Fury Gipsy")

AlbinViggenApart from designing boats for Albin Marin Per Brohall wrote books and contributed to some (One book is "Bygg batensjalv", another one he contributed to is "Pleasure Boats" by Keith Best. Recently, I found a copy.)

Below you also see a further project of him. He draw a new sail plan to the shooner Älva. This ship was originally built in 1939. For the new owners Per Brahall designed the new rig.

For further boat designs of Brohall's boats see also:

Brohäll passed away too early, but his children seem to be in boating as well. If I understand the Swedish text correctly, Göran and Helena Brohäll run a boat shop in the Stockholm area: Brohäll Marin.


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